Getting outdoors and exploring the world around us is essential to improving our mental and physical wellness. However, while we all want to picture ourselves walking in sunshine and glorious weather, any outdoor enthusiast will know that this is not the case!

Hiking in the rain is something that every backpacker will experience at some point, and while it might not seem like it, with the right equipment, it can be just as fun! Before you head out on your favorite hiking trails in the rain, though, there are several areas you need to consider.

To help you. We have taken a closer look at the best hiking gear for your next adventure…

Hiking in the rain: top outfit tips

When it comes to outdoor activities and hiking in rainy weather, wearing the right clothing is crucial. You want to make sure that your outerwear and footwear are protecting you from the elements, and some top tips to remember include:

  • Avoid cotton

While cotton can be great in sunny conditions, it is not a good option for hiking in the rain. The material can take a long time to dry, which means you will be experiencing wet clothing against your skin for longer, which can result in you becoming cold and more susceptible to hypothermia. Instead, you should opt for clothing made from polyester or wool.

  • Wear waterproofs

One essential addition to your hiking gear for wet weather is ensuring you have ample waterproof clothing. This hard shell technology should fit comfortably over your clothing and be able to repel water effectively.

  • Add Durable Water Repellent coating

If you want to ensure that your clothing is always working to protect you from the elements, then it is important that you are adding a durable water repellent coating to your waterproofs. This will help to make raindrops bead up and roll off instead of soaking through.

  • Focus on your footwear

Having wet feet can ruin your favorite hiking trails, so when heading out in wet weather, make sure that you are using high-quality waterproof walking boots. This will not only help to keep your feet warmer and drier, but they will also give you more grip in slippery and muddy conditions.

  • Bring a change of clothes

No matter whether you are heading out for an afternoon hike or you are planning a weekend away, if the weather is looking like it could rain, make sure you have dry clothes to change into at the end of the journey home.

Hiking in the rain: hiking backpack essentials

Of course, when hiking in the rain, it is not just about the clothing that you wear. The wet weather can bring an array of extra challenges. That is why you also want to ensure your hiking backpack is packed with the right equipment.

Some of the best additions for your outdoor activities include:

  • Waterproof gadget cases

The last thing that you want is for your smartphone or other electrical items to become damaged because you were caught out in a heavy rainstorm. That is why you want to ensure that you are bringing waterproof bags or dry bags with you so you can quickly add your electronics in there when the rain arrives.

  • Rain cover

Equally, you want to ensure that you have a rain cover for your hiking backpack. When undertaking outdoor activities, you will be continuously exposed to the elements, and even a short shower can leave your backpack soaked.

That is why alongside waterproof cases for your gadgets, you also want to ensure that you have a rain cover for your backpack. This will allow you to quickly protect your backpack and stop the water from seeping through.

  • Stay hydrated

Just because it is raining, it does not mean that you can forget about staying hydrated. Hiking can have a big impact on your body, so it is essential that you are keeping your fluid levels high. Here at Everfun, we know how important it is to stay hydrated when undertaking outdoor activities, and our Hydration Backpack with 2L Reservoir is the perfect accessory for your next adventure.

The two-liter water bladder and the bilateral hose will ensure you will always be able to get a drink when you need it. Alongside the bladder, our Hydration Backpack also comes complete with an 18-liter main compartment, ensuring that you have all the space you need to bring your essentials with you.

Our durable and lightweight hiking backpack is perfect for use all year round and in any condition, with its built-in rain cover ensuring that your belongings are protected from getting wet.

  • Hiking in the rain: keeping safe

Any time you are heading out on your favorite hiking trials you will need to ensure you are being careful. However, wet weather can make things more dangerous, and there are several things you can do to improve your safety. This includes:

  • Avoiding slippery surfaces

Rain can normally make quite grippy surfaces incredibly sloppy. From slimy rocks to wet logs, take your time when walking and watch out for potential hazards. Wearing the correct footwear will also help you to maintain more grip while walking.

  • Bring safety equipment

Whether you are heading out on your own or in a group, if you are planning to go hiking in the rain, then you should ensure that you are taking the right safety equipment with you. Our hiking backpack comes equipped with an array of safety features to help you with your outdoor activities, including an emergency whistle to let people know where you are and also bright reflective strips to ensure you are visible in low-light conditions.  

  • Stay warm

Spending a long time out in the rain can leave you feeling cold, which significantly increases the risk of developing hypothermia. That is why you should watch out for the symptoms and ensure you have enough layers and dry clothes to change into.

  • Hiking in the rain: drying out

Finally, after an epic day on your favorite trails, you will need to dry out. Getting out of your wet clothes as soon as possible is the quickest way, and you should do so as soon as you get back to your car or tent. If you get caught out in a sudden rainstorm, but things are looking dry for the rest of the day, then consider changing into dry clothes once the clouds have passed.

When you get back, make sure that you are drying your gear out thoroughly as soon as possible to prevent the risk of mold or mildew from forming. 

  • Hiking in the rain: final thoughts

While it might seem a tough task, hiking in the rain can be a great experience. However, it can also be a dangerous activity, so you do need to ensure that you are wearing the correct clothing and carrying the right equipment with you.

Our Everfun hydration backpack should be an essential addition to your next outdoor activities and if you have any questions, get in touch with our team, who will be happy to help!
